JSN/ERA-EDTA Joint Sympo

両方向のJoint Symposium企画はおそらく今回が初めてではなかったでしょうか。

Chair: 伊藤貞嘉先生、Dr. Andrzej Wiecek
松尾清一先生: Past, present, future: continuous challenge against kidney disease
南学正臣先生: Development of novel drugs targeting CKD: hypoxia, oxidative stress, and epigenetics
Dr. Kai-Uwe Eckardt: Treatment practice in patients with CKD: results from the GCKD study
Dr. Alberto Ortiz: CKJ-translational research
● l JSN/ERA-EDTA Joint Symposium 2015年6月6日9:45-11:15、名古屋
Chair 柳田素子先生、Dr. Ziad A Massy
松尾清一先生: JSNユs Challenge against Kidney Disease and Collaboration between JSN and ERA-EDTA
南学正臣先生: Hypoxia as a new therapeutic target in CKD
Dr. Andrzej Wiecek: Adipose tissue cytokines and cardiovascular complications in CKD patients. Where are we now?
Dr. Peter Stenvinkel: Renal Biomimicry-could it provide hope to patients with kidney disease?